
Becoming A Hunter Education Volunteer Instructor
At the heart of the Virginia Hunter Education Program are the volunteers – people from all walks of life committed to training the next generation to be safe, knowledgeable, ethical participants in an enduring Virginia tradition. They are men and women of different ages and backgrounds with diverse interests and skill levels and want to give something back to the hunting community. If this describes you, please contact the Department of Wildlife Resources. Hunter education volunteers say they learn as much through teaching as they do working with other volunteers.
Volunteer instructors wear many hats working as teachers, mentors, class organizers, range officers, event administrators, and representatives of the Department of Wildlife Resources. All applicants must submit to a criminal background check, be at least eighteen (18) years of age and be of good character. The process starts with filling out the form at https://dwr.virginia.gov/volunteer/.
Additional information is available through the Recreational Safety Coordinator at the regional VDWR office closest to you, or by sending an inquiry to DWR at HunterEd@dwr.virginia.gov.
recognizing excellence in hunter education
Director’s Award
The Director’s Award recognizes hunter education instructors who have supported Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (VDWR) Hunter Education Programs with at least 5,000 volunteer hours. In cooperation with the VDWR, the Virginia Hunter Education Association presents eligible instructors with a Henry Golden Boy .22 caliber Lever Action Rifle.
George “Spud” Almond
Lewis A. Austin
Lester “Danny” Bartee
Monte Brackenridge
Jack L. Broughman
John Dodson
Chauncey Herring
Vernie Kennedy
Angie Leigh
Michael A. Norkus
Paul Siple
Frank Taylor
Lee Turner
William Dixon Morgan Memorial Award
Every year one member from Virginia’s volunteer hunter education instructor community is recognized for dedication and excellence in teaching. Named in honor of William “Billy” Dixon Morgan, the award was established after Billy’s untimely and accidental death during a hunting incident.
Billy’s mother Magdeline Morgan, with the help of Governor Gerald Baliles and her colleagues on the Virginia Governor’s Advisory Board, began promoting the importance of blaze orange. Wearing blaze orange became a legal requirement as a result of their efforts.
Billy’s Story
Billy was born in 1953, the youngest of three children and the only son of William T. and Magdeline N. Morgan. He became an Eagle Scout at age 14, and as an adult, instructed Boy Scout merit badge classes in Archery, Marksmanship and Wilderness Survival. Billy participated in a wide range of outdoor activities and was an avid rabbit, squirrel, turkey, and deer hunter. He won numerous awards in both archery and firearms competition and won State and National awards for whitetail deer.
On the morning of November 22, 1983, Billy climbed ten feet up into a leafless tree to hunt. He did not know another hunter was in the area. The other hunter failed to identify his target and fired the shot that ended Billy’s life.

George “Spud” Almond
Lewis A. Austin
Lester “Danny” Bartee
Brian E. Berger
Monte Brackenridge
Jack L. Broughman
William Bush, Jr.
Anthony “Tony” Carambia
Ken Carter
Michael J. Clifford
John W. Dodson
John Dunne
Carolyn Elliott
Percy “Buddy” Fines, Jr.
Aaron Grimsley
Leonard Hart, Jr.
Chauncey Herring
Paul Hockenberry
Michael Holson
Jason Honaker
Gordon W. Hunter
Wendy Hyde
Roger Keene
Vernie Kennedy
Barry F. Lape
Angie Leigh
Russell Lewis
George P. Mason
William E. Nichols
Mike Norkus
William L. Prutzman
William D. Shufflebarger
Paul Siple
Donald Studer
Franklin L. Taylor
Lee Turner
Thomas M. Walters
Rob Zepp